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I think I feel love...

Ah, loving is a voyage with water and with stars, with drowning air and brusque storms of flour: loving is a battle of lightning bolts, and two bodies, overcome by one honey.

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Online Dating - The Truth Behind The Hype!

As CEO of a company which operates some of the most popular dating sites on the net, I'm uniquely positioned to provide some clear and concise facts about the global phenomenon of online dating. In six bite-sized chunks I'm going to give you the whole truth about a past-time that has become part of the fabric of the lives of single people everywhere where a computer screen is affordable by, or accessible to the masses. Read More

Insider Secrets of Dating On Line

Dating online is the latest buzz in the internet world, and its popularity is unquestionable. Current statistics showed that more and more people are turning to dating online to find their ideal partner. And what's more, the dating online business has continuously surged through the years compared to many other internet-based business. Read More

I think I feel love... 

Ah, loving is a voyage with water and with stars, with drowning air and brusque storms of flour: loving is a battle of lightning bolts, and two bodies, overcome by one honey.

If you're poetic then Pablo Neruda's words could suffice to define everything lovely in the world. Neruda's grasp of 'lovely' matters seems exorbitant, but still he gives hope to those who believe in the Phnom called love. Love has always been a feeling that man has tried to understand. Does the feeling of love exists, if it does then how strong it is, how do we describe it? Read More

Speed Dating: What Is It, How to Does It Work?

A popular dating and matchmaking trend is upon us. It is called speed dating. Naturally, it has found a new home on the internet. But what exactly is it and how does it work?

Speed dating origins is credited to a Jewish Rabbi Yaacov Deyo, who is said to have invented it as way Jewish people meet in areas where they were outnumbered by non-Jews. I not sure the Rabbi anticipated such a huge growth in his creation. But that's a different subject. Read More

Meeting The Girl Of Your Dreams Through Online Dating

A lot of people like to make their first moves in the online dating game by making contact through email.

It is very exciting, the thought of going from anonymous emails, to getting an actual date, so lets see how it works. From initial attraction to a face to face date, it is important to take your time. Starting from a look at their picture, to exchanging, send a smile, and emails, it all takes time to build trust, to get to a first real date. So, what do you do, and how do you go about it. Read More

Three Types of Seduction Techniques

Seduction techniques that men use to attract women they desire will vary from man to man, also most men will vary their seduction techniques depending on how they perceive the women they are trying to seduce.

In this article I am going to talk about three seduction techniques that most men usually fall in. Read More

Finding Love After Divorce--Can it Be Done?

The idea of happily ever after when you say "I do" the first time is only the reality for about half of couples. The rest of the individuals get divorced for many reasons. Some couples divorce because they were never really in love, some due to infidelity, and others because of financial problems, and still others due to other various issues. For all of these individuals who do not have successful marriages the world does not end and their opportunities for finding true love and a successful relationship do not either. In fact, after a divorce an individual might be more prepared for a new relationship once they have healed because they are experienced and know better what to do and not to do in a relationship. Consider the following tips to help you find love after a divorce. Read More

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