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Meeting The Girl Of Your Dreams Through Online Dating

 by John Savage

A lot of people like to make their first moves in the online dating game by making contact through email.

It is very exciting, the thought of going from anonymous emails, to getting an actual date, so lets see how it works. From initial attraction to a face to face date, it is important to take your time. Starting from a look at their picture, to exchanging, send a smile, and emails, it all takes time to build trust, to get to a first real date. So, what do you do, and how do you go about it.

Five Practical Tips to Get Email and then to move on to Live Dates.

Talk on the phone first. Ok, so the other persons picture looks fine, now lets take some time getting to know the other person on the phone. It may be that they look great, send nice emails, but are hard to understand, or sound like somethings not right. Pay attention to your instincts. Talk to them on the phone, at least a few times, before agreeing to meet them in person, and of course, in a very public place.

What questions should you use to get started with? Here are a few icebreakers that you will want to know about in your emails and phone calls to that other person. 1) What do you like to do on your weekends? 2) Do you like to go out a lot, or stay home? 3) What do you like best about someone you are dating? 4) When you eat out, where do you like to go?

Ask them upfront. After a few emails and a couple of phone calls, you may be ready to meet them in person. Its up to the both of you. If they are evasive or hesitant to meet, ask them why. It may be simply that they are shy, and you must be understanding if this is the case. As long as you can phone them without problems, that may be fine. But, also look for red flags .

You may want to ask them upfront, how they would like to go about this, to see what their ideas are. After talking on the phone a few times, you should know whether or not you would like to meet. Make plans, in a safe public place. Then, have fun meeting them at a local restaurant or mall.

Being Ready for Romance and getting started in a new romance is both thrilling and a time of great uncertainty. Myself, I like to plan on finding a woman who is both a friend and someone I am attracted to. Getting from a photo and description, to first contact by email, to a phone call and then to meeting in person, is lots of fun. Being ready to meet someone also means you may need to juggle your schedule a bit, as dates take up time, having fun on the town with that new person in your life!

How Often Should I email or call them? On the one hand, you dont want to seem overly desperate. Then again, you dont want them to think you are not interested. Finding a middle ground depends on what each person feels comfortable with. Remember, one woman may want to send emails twice a week, another, every day. Each person expresses themselves differently, and works on a different schedule. Part of becoming a good dating partner is finding out who you are compatible with, and adjusting your style to fit the other persons.

Getting Emails. Its disappointing if an email is not returned within 24 hours. It also looks over eager if emails are returned within 2 to 3 hours. So, find a middle ground. The same applies to phone calls, always return calls within 24 hours, but dont call back immediately, unless you are on familiar ground with that special person that you are talking with.

About the Author

john savage has an Online Dating Blog for those who are ready to start meeting and dating right now.

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