Online Free Chat Room

I think I feel love...

Ah, loving is a voyage with water and with stars, with drowning air and brusque storms of flour: loving is a battle of lightning bolts, and two bodies, overcome by one honey.

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Free Online Dating

Free Phone Dating     

Free online dating used to be just a come-on in order to get visitors to come to websites in order to sell them something or to make up-sells to related dating products. These days there are several great dating sites that are actually free with no gimmicks and no come-ons. Most of these sites make their money by placing Google ads on their sites. There are several other ad agencies that one can use in order to make revenue off a free dating site or any site that gets a lot of traffic.

Most Free sites get a lot of traffic, what to speak of a free phone dating site. Online Dating is a popular topic and dating terms get searched for a lot on every search engine. That's why the dating field is a popular business model. The software for a dating site is inexpensive and easy to obtain, therefore making entry into the dating business model simple for anyone wanting to get into it.

With the proper search engine optimization, the right software and a little luck anyone can get a dating site started rather quickly that can be bringing in thousands of daily visitors. You an also monetize these sites by offering paid chat services by partnering up with any number of the phone chat companies out there. There are several that offer local chat, adult chat or even phone sex. Several of these companies offer affiliate programs where you can get started quickly. Usually, once you are an affiliate you get a chat phone number where you visitors can call into and enjoy some Free Chatt services. Once a person calls they are allowed to use the service for free for a limited time and then they must then purchase blocks of minutes in order to use the service as they did when they were using the free time option.

The commissions on this type of arrangements are sometimes up to 75% or more. So for everyone that buys a package of time, you as an affiliate will receive up to 75% of the price paid by your customer. The great thing is that the amount of repeat business is amazing and once your visitor has converted to a paying customer they can spend up to thousands of dollars yearly buying chat packages to time.

One of the chat affiliate programs that you may want to check out is ChatDollars. With them you can also have an arrangement where you collect the money and pay them. That's correct, if you have a merchant account, instead of them collecting the revenue and paying you, you can request that they collect the money from the visitors that you send to the chat system and then you pay a certain percentage.

Free Online Dating

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